Bulma 3H

Bulma 3H

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Download Bulma 3H for Android or iOS is a one-man adventure game where you play as several of the most famous figures of the Dragon Ball series, such as Gohan and Vegeta. It also lets you pick new characters like Tora as well as Akina.

This game offers thrilling battle scenarios that combine actual-time combat and tactical components which you’ll require to win against your foes. Through a variety of combinations and special maneuvers available, you can use swift reflexes and impressive strategies to defeat your adversaries in the field.

What is Bulma 3H?

Bulma 3H is a game in which gamers have numerous options for preparing their strategy for success. You can customize your equipment by acquiring certain items that have various stats to suit different phases of battle: weapons boost damages, defense increases defense against techniques of combatants speed helps in dodging and healing boosts the rate of survival, and many more.

Explore Bulma-enhanced graphics. Take a dive into the universe with rich HD images that include lively shadows, high-resolution lights, and textures. With vibrant characters and vivid images that explode in life to its vibrant battels, complemented by stunning particle effects, fill your eyes with happiness.

What are the Key Capabilities Of this App?

Like Star Wars Jedi Survivor this game provides amazing and outstanding key capabilities which are the following;

Character Unique

The Bulma 3H app allows you to design your own characters from scratch and alter them according to your preferences. Additionally, you can choose from various haircuts, accessories, and clothing choices to ensure that your character stands out.

Dragon Ball Stories

The Bulma 3H app is packed with classic stories from cult anime, all with distinct approaches to the gaming experience. From the adventure of Bulma’s time machine to Gohan’s voyage towards self-discovery There’s plenty to entertain everyone with this game.

Prepared for Challenges

When you’re progressing through the narratives you will discover a myriad of mini-questions as well as main ones are waiting for gamers. These missions can help you train your newly-created characters and will reward them with unique objects that you can use in the game.

Party Members

When you travel your way through the Far far away lands in Dragon Ball. Allies are added to your team who share the same ambitions and goals as you. They come in different dimensions and styles, offering an array of personalities to the team you’ve put together!

Uncover Hidden Secrets

Discover hidden locations in Planet Namek or chance upon amazing artifacts in Dr. Gero’s lab to unravel clues regarding the mystery that lies under its surface.

Multi-Player Support

Join in a huge battle with your friends using LAN networks. Rewards will be awarded in accordance with the outcome of the fight.

Collect Your Gear

Make your character unique by putting on various fancy Attack and Defense tools that are available on Quests or even purchased from various shops throughout Goku World. In case it isn’t cutting the mark anymore, you can upgrade it to get more power in each hit.


No cost, free to download, safe to use, play for entertainment, no errors, supports all Android as well as iPhones.


Additionally, you can enjoy fun activities in the Bulma 3H game played solo or against others with achievements to unlock hidden throughout. If you’re a bit nerdy, you’ll find some rare ones that offer permanent rewards, only accessible for one account at a time.